2nd Annual Golf Tournament is a Hole in One

HEUBEL SHAW raises over $30,000 for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research, setting the bar high for St. Louis Events and Tournaments around.
Years ago, HEUBEL SHAW, started their Breast Cancer initiatives, after one of their fellow employees was diagnosed with this disease. Employees knew they wanted to do something, anything to show their support for their friend and bring awareness to their communities. Starting simple, but effective internal fundraisers, such as the on going Faye Ballagh Pie Sale, set the pace for HEUBEL SHAW efforts for years to come.
"Fast forward 5 years and never did we think we would be hosting a sell out golf tournament in St. Louis, It's Incredible." Troy Holt, Sales Representative.
The 2nd Annual golf tournament welcomed dozens of participants for a day of fun at The Falls Golf Course in O'Fallon. The September event had 36 participating teams, a sold out success and raised over $30,000 for breast cancer research. This is triple the funds raised from last year.
"We're speechless, We're grateful. We are also beyond blessed that we work for a company that fully supports these endeavors and truly understands the impact we are trying to make. 100% of the funds raised not only will be donated to the American Cancer Society, but will be matched dollar for dollar by our President." Matthew Murphy (Regional Customer Solutions Manager) said. "We started this by coming together for our employee, and we've continued it by coming together for our communities."
After receiving a devastating call from his mother, Patrica Swanner, Bryan Woehl (Parts Manager, Heubel Shaw St. Louis) remembers knowing that life would never be the same after that conversation. Patricia was living in Texas, at the time of her diagnosis, and like so many felt alone, terrified, and like her life had ended the minute she received the news. This phone call, which sadly so many of us are familiar with, changed Bryan's perspective on the disease. Sadly, Patricia passed in Jan 2015. Though not from breast cancer directly, the emotional, physical and mental toll Bryan watched this take on his mother was enough for him to start fighting.
Bryan, along with HEUBEL SHAW and his "dream team" partners Matthew Murphy and Lauren Korda, has devoted himself to a lofty goal: "I want women and men to know that they are not alone on an island fighting this disease. We are with them. People are with them. I never want anyone to feel what my mother felt, so I fight to bring hope." Woehl stated. "The end goal is to find a cure and take the control away from this disease."
Since HEUBEL SHAW has started their events,they have raised more than $160,000 for BCRF. Lauren Korda (Head of Marketing for HEUBEL SHAW) credits the success of their fundraising initiatives to the passion that lies behind them and their fellow employees.
While Korda understands her enthusiasm for the cause, like many, is linked to the loss or pain of a loved one – she hopes their actions will inspire others to raise awareness or funds for breast cancer research regardless of their experiences.
“I remember not really knowing or being interested in the cause until I watched what this disease did to the strongest woman I know, my mom” Korda said. “All too often we rush through life taking everything for granted and it can be taken away from us with just one phone call,” she said. “Watching my mom fight Cancer, not once but twice has taught me humility and to enjoy today even if it isn't the best day. Try to always find something positive in the moment you’re in right now. That's why we do these events, so we can turn sadness into drive, something positive even if its just playing golf”
“These events or any American Cancer Society event, isn't about being sad. It's all about getting together, celebrating survivors and remembering the ones we lost while raising money to help a great cause” Murphy stated.
Over $30,000 is no small feet - This years tournament was as they keep calling it a "Hole in One". But HEUBEL SHAW Team is quick to note - it would have not have been possible without the participation and partnership from so many top companies throughout the country, as well as employees, family, friends, and our partners are the Falls and Making Strides St. Louis. Companies such as Autozone, EnerSyS, Cintas, The Raymond Corporation, Blue Giant, Charging Technologies, BBI, etc.... all showed up and played an avid part in what the day became. Volunteering their time, registering teams toplay, donating money, were all pieces to this puzzle. Not only was this a mix of HEUBEL SHAW partners in the industry, but the Portraits of Hope Survivors showed their support and overwhelming thanks as well. Playing a scramble style tournament, with endless festivities through the day including Custom Cigars from Smoking Hot Cigars and Kona Ice making their rounds to cool everyone down - raising over $30,000 is proof everyone had a great time for a great cause.
We'd like to Give a Huge Thank You to Our 2018 Partners. Again with your partnerships, this would not have been possible:
Charging Technologies
Mallard Manufacturing
Blue Giant
CL Smith Industrial Company
M3 Resources
VanGo Express
Bolin Services Inc.
Jerry Kelly
Dave SInclair LincolnEd Napleton Auto Group
The Raymond Corporation

To View Event Pictures visit https://www.heubelshaw.com/information/breast-cancer-awareness
Next Years Tournament will be Oct 2019. If you are looking to support the cause or participate, please contact us directly at 901-604-3003 or email [email protected]
Final Event for 2018 - Trivia Night & Silent Auction in St. Louis - To play or attend visit https://www.heubelshawcares.com/stlouis3rdannualtrivianight